Saturday 24 September 2011

Cool Shoes but are they practical?

These shoes are cool but how exactly do you walk in them??
I'm not bad in heels but are these too creatively and architectually designed that they are impractical to wear? 
It is not a pretty sight when girls can't walk in their heels, fall over, stubble, flash up their skirts or take off their shoes and walk barefoot.
Main concern: Balance!?
I think these need a roadtest! 
Finsk $999.95 on Solestruck

Finsk $999.95 on Solestruck

Finsk $999.95 on Solestruck

United Nude $499.95

Finsk $999.95

Jeffery Cambell $189.95

Jeffery Campbell $169.95

Senso $289.95

United Nude $394.95